Tuesday, 22 November 2016
What Is A Recount? | Powtoon Slideshow
Monday, 14 November 2016
Midnight Price
Midnight Price
Jimmy was walking outside, he looked around, there was no one to be seen. That was strange for him, because there’s normally a ton of people outside, but today was a ghost town. He walked down the street to the dairy, and still, no one to be seen. He arrived at the diary and it was closed, he thought to himself, “Why is there no one around”? He looked across the street at the other little shops, but they were all closed.
He walked back to his house, he couldn’t remember if his parents were home. He arrived at the door and walked in. Slowly walking around the rooms but no one was there, he was scared. He ran to the phone and dialed 619. But, no one at the police station answered, now he was shocked. He got his bag, put everything he loved in there, and left. Walking down the streets for hours. No one to be seen, nothing to be seen, just land and a fence. He jumped over the fence into the land, only grass, and he headed towards to mountain.
Once he got to the mountain, there was a blur, he thought he saw a portal. He thought he was going insane. But he rubbed his eyes, and it was still there, so he walked to it. He was right in front of it, so, he had no choice but to end this. He walked in, the world turned pink, but he wasn’t scared because he wanted to get out of that ghost town life. When he arrived on the other side of the portal, it was dark. There were 2 lights, a mysterious kingdom and a house. He walked down the scary footpath to the house, and he knew, he was getting into trouble.
He opened the door, nothing to be seen inside except one lamp, and a bed. He checked around more to see if it was safe, if the bed was alright. Just so it could turn day, he slept in the bed for the night. “Why am I here”, “Where is everyone”, “Am I alive”, he started to sleep talk. The lamp turned off by itself, he woke up straight away, “Who turned off the light?” He said. He thought that there were ghosts, or spirits. Now he thought to himself that it wasn’t a good idea to come here after all. He walked outside and started to walk to the dungeon thing. Up the rocks, heading to the large door, he thought this is the end, but it looks like it’s not.
The large door opened, he walked inside. There were paintings, draws and a small chest. He walked slowly up to the chest, a dusty old chest, he opens it slowly and he couldn't believe his eyes. There was a $100 bill with a piece of paper with some words on it. The words said, “You have found me, but there are many more…”. He stared a the $100 bill for a bit, wondering if he was still asleep, but he wasn’t. He walked around, shivering, looking around for more chests. He turned the corner and saw some stairs, he slowly walked up there, waiting for someone to pop out and scare him, or the stairs to brake. He got to the top, an empty room, but one chest at the back. Above the chest was a open window with a hole through it, like someone shot a bullet through there. He opened the chest and there was a booklet in there, with words saying on the cover, “Go back”. He thought about his brother, his friends and his parents. He had a tear in his eye when he remembered that his bunny wasn’t there.
He threw the booklet across the room, knocking a vase over. He was scared, happy and shocked, he ran down the stairs to outside just hoping this was all a dream. He grabbed a big stone off the ground and was hitting his head softly with it, then he threw it and his foot, but nothing happened except pain going straight through him. He ran back to the house, and ran out that door heading back towards where he came from. There was no portal, except a mountain, so he ran for the mountain and walked up it. He got to the top, there was no portal, he laid on the ground, wishing it was there, then he got knocked out by a stone. There was no one around that could of threw the stone, no animals around. He woke up, and the portal was there, maybe the portal is the one who threw the stone. He jumped up in surprise, he ran to the portal and closed his eyes.
Finally, he got back home,. He ran down the mountain and ran back to his house. He stopped in the driveway, hearing if anyone was inside, but it was silent. He opened the door, everyone was in the lounge watching tv, he ran to the couch and did a flip on the blankets. Everyone was still normal, but they didn't ask where he was. Jimmy laid on the couch, just thinking about what he went through, then he had a vision of the $100 Bill. It wasn’t in his hand, wasn’t in his pockets, but maybe, it was the price to get back home.
Learning Intentions ; to write a recount with the correct format. I think I have succeeded with this.
Monday, 17 October 2016
The Shoes That Hardly Moved
The Shoes That Hardly Moved
The first day I got thrown straight across the room, upside down right beside the door, hours had passed. Luckily it was warm inside, door open, curtains open and sun shining through. I guess I will go asleep, until I’m needed. For days, on the ground, all I hear is talking, I have nothing to do. I wish I could go to the beach and relax on a blanket, but that’s a dream the no shoe has accomplished.
Days later, I heard someone come to me, picking me up with his hands, picking me up,, I was frightened, was I going to get thrown across the room again, I thought. But no, I was put onto some socks. I walked outside onto the concrete, closing my mouth so I don’t get stones in my mouth. Walking for what felt days, but It was only 20 minutes. When my owner sat down, I could finally sit down as well. This time I was happy to sit down. Minutes later I heard these other shoes talking, I was so happy, then walked around the corner, I was so happy to talk to these shoes. While the people walked around I started to talk to them, “Can you hear me”, I said. “Of course dude, we’re shoes”, said the other shoes. I was about to burst out into some type of happiness, but I was just bouncing around in my soul. Now I just wanted to make a funny face with my tongue.
As we continued to walk and talk we stopped into McDonald's, while we were hanging off a seat we were talking about how alive we were. After a few minutes there we started to walk over to KFC, we just got outside there and the owner of one shoe didn't want KFC anymore. So we walked down the street even more. The other shoe owner wanted to go into the Salvation army, so me and him walked in there. After a couple of minutes in there, we walked down to this discount store, they brought some stuff with their remaining money. They walked back all the way down to the Warehouse, they spent at least 20 minutes it felt like in there.
Now it's time for the sad part, after they finished in the warehouse, they were about to head home, we said goodbye to each other, and walked in seperate directions. I walked all the way back to my house, through the back of countdown, down some more streets, and walked into a restaurant. He walked and grabbed a drink, now I was hungry, the smell of the cooked food while he was grabbing a drink, I was so happy. But then we walked out and started to walk home. While we walk down the pathway, I see glass, just hoping I don’t step in it, so I tried to avoid it. I was so sad, we were walking across the bridge, I could see the street that I live on. I have no more shoes to talk to.
Lastly, we walked through the door, I yet again got thrown in a corner, and waited for days to be used again. I was only used a few times more, only to go the supermarket 2 times, and walking outside trying to find something to do. But now it's one more day till his holiday is over. I will now not be in a corner, but I will be outside talking to other shoes!
Liam W
We are learning to: write a recount about where our shoes went in the holidays. Also adding a title at the top, and an orientation paragraph that has who, what, where, when and why. Then the events that describe one topic per paragraph and are in the order they happened . Lastly an ending paragraph that describes the passing of time and evaluating the rest of it that it is the conclusion.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Components of Fitness
This year I have improved on my fitness. When we run around the field I can run more laps than at the start of the year. In jumpjam I can do moves and actions better, and I am now stronger than at the start of the year. I can also run way faster when we do laps around the field. I have achieved the success criteria.
Friday, 9 September 2016
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Shantytown Visit
On Wednesday 10th Blaketown school went to Shantytown. When we left on the bus everyone was happy because the principal took his car, if he was we would all have to be silent! When we arrived we all had to line up in classes, then we all silently walked into Shantytown. We walked into this large room to put our bags away, then walked down the the end room. We had a look at some toys and what years they were made in. Then we went out to morning, everyone just walked around and had something to eat. We went back in and learnt what they were made out of, why people made them and what type of toys rich and poor people had back in the 1800’s. Then when got split up into 4 groups, we played games such as, Throw the horse shoe , Hit the hoop, Stilts and dominoes. When lunch came along people were playing with the stuff we had played with before and some people were watching a weka. After lunch we played some more games like, a alphabet challenge, golden nugget finding, Marco polo, and musical chairs. Then after lunch we went into the room and all sat down quickly and silently for Mrs Barber. We had to decide in groups what toys they played with at different years for both girls and boys, then someone said the goodbye and we all had a loud ride back.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Thursday, 30 June 2016
My Mask
My Mask
We had to construct a mask using materials with the stuff we got from home. Our teacher brought in some materials for the people who didn't bring anything in when they were supposed to, also for the people who need more stuff to put onto their mask. We did this cause this year we have been learning about sustainability so we made sustainable art. I learnt that to design something really awesome you don't use just one plain color, you use multiple colors that suit each other. To make it 3D I learnt that instead of making it a flat mask you need to glue stuff onto it. Then you need to be cautious that you don't mix 2 colors together. If you do when it's dry go back over them. The colors I used were black and red, the reason why I choose them is because there is a Wrestler Called Demon Kane and he wears a mask that is black and red. I didn't get a black wig but I tried my best to make it look like him but with just some additional features. The design of my mask was really cool , firstly I thought of the idea to put some sunglasses on it, then a mouse from a old kids computer. Then I had to put beads around the outside to cover up the white. Then I also used some fluffy pom poms for the hair.
John Morrison And His Castle | Youtuber
One day in the haunted Place between Asia and China lived a little mountain with a mysterious castle near it. The man that lived inside of it was John Morrison. John Morrison wasn’t the strongest guy out of all, he was one of the weak ones. He normally wore no T-Shirt during the day, at night he puts on like a scarf around his body, and also he wears black jeans all day. He never washes his clothes, he throws them out of his window then goes down to his basement to go onto shore to retrieve them. The castle isn't just an ordinary castle, it's haunted and it’s made out of the bricks from the 1900’s. It doesn’t look old and smelly on the inside. The inside is like a 16 year olds room, posters everywhere, computer monitors, playstations, and it's like a normal house. But just in a castle shape. John Morrison has no friends, except the water, he has never ever wanted to live on the shiny horizon or inside a fancy perfect town. He’s always wanted to live on water, he wanted to be the king of the water someday. So he said to himself when he was young “ When I grow up, i'm going to live on water, IN A AWESOME CASTLE!!!!!” he said. He has the worst looking boat in the world, it was bad, small and it was his, but it traveled perfect In water (except when big waves came). He traveled for 25 minutes one day and he found a mountain with water curving into it and a little rock poking out of the water. It took 1 year to build a castle up there. Then he took his room, into the castle. He lived the life he always wanted to live. During this time some really spooky stuff has happened, he’s been through a demon dungeon, ghost dimensions and even worst stuff.
One day he was walking across the sand seeing if any greenstone had flown in from the sea overnight, he’s been doing this every single day ever since he moved here, he’s never found atleast 1 piece. That day he didn't find any, he was so sad that he just wanted to mine in his basement, which there was nothing to mine, he grabbed his hammer and dug a bit, he found this mysterious gap, he made it larger so he could fit in,, and there it was. 1 piece of greenstone, his dream had come true he finally found 1 piece. He grabbed his camera and made a vlog, saying that he finally found a piece of greenstone. Luckily he had 1 bar of wifi from a house 30 kilometres away, somehow the wifi can reach. He uploaded it on Youtube, his channel name is Haunted Gamer 25. He was so happy that he cried, so long he wanted one piece, and he finally got it.
The next day a bunch of people called him because of his video, he was so happy and now he’s actually famous, he appeared on the news cause the lastest video of his was his castle, everyone thought it was so interesting, and now he’s such a famous youtuber.
The Hunter's Vision
Out in the mysterious woods at night is this guy, hes not the smartest guy, he went to the woods with his favourite cowboy jersey, a beanie, the beanie that he was wearing was his favourite one. He was wearing black and and Nike shoes. He’s sneaking through the mysterious woods trying to hunt some small animals with his bare hands. His friend behind him with a camera with Vision glasses, making everything more realistic. There on the edge of a mountain trying to hunt some mountain lions, But then they got lost in the trees, what will they do.
Climbing up the trees, doing parkour just to get to the top. Nearly at the top of one they find a treehouse. There were spears, grappling hooks and knives all in there in a chest. They found some metal armor, just the perfect size to put on, the not so smart guy put on the boots and the chestplate, the camera guy put on the helmet and the leggings, they found a iron axe, they brang almost everything with them. They finally got out to the woods, there were sheep everywhere, they went to hunt the sheeps and try to find more. They got closer and closer to the sound of the bears. They found a bear on the way back to the van the man dropped the camera and hunted it, they slayed that beast, they put the the vision glasses and took more cool pictures. 
The mysterious creepy woods was that mysterious after all, it was just a calm woods, with sheeps, no mountain lions and at the end some bears. Treehouses in each biome of the woods with some hunting weapons, glorious caves with glow worms inside. Then on the side of the mountain are big hard stones about to roll of the rocky cliff but there stuck in the ground. Where the first picture was taken is in the dark forest where all the dark green bushes are. A huge mountain across the over side of the glowing blue lake, The man was wearing a warm comfy Cowboy jersey, Driving back to the house we saw some raccoons walking on the road and some fluffy sheep walking through the forest gate down the side of the old footpath. While they were in the calm dark woods they started to film, they filmed and took pictures of the treehouse and all the weapons inside of them, also they made a clip of them hunting sheep, then also Man vs Bear at the end. They posted the Man Vs Vicious Bear on youtube, the mysterious creepy calm dark night was finally over. They were so happy that they called into a luxury exotic hunting store and bought some smelly frozen mutton.
The next day they went to a haunted creepy forest to go hunt some animals, they didn't know it was haunted at the time but when they saw the entrance and the glowing cow eyes, they knew but they just went straight into the creepy place. It wasn't that dark since the shining extreme hot sun was out today, they found some haunted sheep and hunted deer, they got the meat from both of them.
They left the haunted forest and enjoyed the nice warm luxurious sun while they were driving back to their home. On the way back they heard some strange noises, they didn't know what the noise was but they were extremely scared, they stopped on the side of the road to look around to see what it was but it was nothing, they hopped back into the car and then they kept hearing it, they got really scared but it was just their imagination. They kept driving trying to get away from the noise and trying to take it out of their head but they couldn't, they stopped on the side of the road so far ahead and bought a drink, it was the coldest drink they have ever had, the cold drink went to their head and took out the noise, they keeped driving back to their house and enjoyed the warm shining sun.
By Liam W
Monday, 27 June 2016
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Monday, 20 June 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
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