Thursday, 27 September 2018

Year 9 Art

This term we had to design robots. We had to make it so it was doing something. The robot I chose to draw was doing gardening. Firstly, I had to do a perfect cube, then design the rest of the body. Then we had to shade it in. Later in the term, it was Maori Week. So we had to draw stuff relating to Maori. So I drew a necklace.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

The Voyage Out To New Zealand

Dear Mike Knox, As I left my home in England, I made sure to grab all my valuable things. So, this letter may be short, but everyone got told to write a letter to people close to them, and since my parents died in the war, I will write to you. I will make sure to add every boring detail to my trip. Day one of the boat, people were enjoying the boat ride. But there was one little problem. the boat they put me on didn’t have any high walls, and it had a crack in the front of the boat, leaking into my cabin room, which I was lucky, I got put into a slightly larger cabin with other people. Which, if our room does flood I’m not the only one that is going to die first. But, you guys are lucky you are not here. Because these children on board are making a racket! I wish I could just throw them off board one by one. But sadly, I cannot do that. 

Day two, I’m not going to write everyday, but I will try to write the most important days. No water has came through the crack yet, so I guess I am lucky. But people have just been sitting around doing nothing. Day 56. I got no idea how long it will be, I just hate everyone on this boat now. The people in the cabin, they snuck some treats onto the boat. But the other people, they make a lot of noise. You’re lucky your not here. But, there has been some water that gone through the crack, But the captain doesn’t care. He put on some tape stuff, and he said it should hold.

Day 72, or something like that. The tape stuff broke off, wasn’t ‘sticky’ enough. So we had to use things we bought on. Like ingredients for baking bread. We made it till it was sticky. But BIg Mike. I heard you like crabs, so I had been catching crabs. Also, we had been building these crossbows, so we can kill the fish that we find. Because we have been running out of food. The cabin is small also. The toilet is the worst thing ever, it’s a plastic bowl. Most of our water is boiled. Because we get our water from the crack. But, so far, boredom.

We crossed over the rough seas, hit a few fish of the way. There has been a sickness going around the boat within the past few days. Many people are been vomiting over the bow. The sea was really rough today, there had been more cracks in different cabins. So all of us has been trying to fix the accidents. After a few hours we had spotted some land, but it wasn’t New Zealand. We got told New Zealand is still another 50 days away. Day 99. I am writing this after a horrifying site. There was a fire on board. Many of us were scared, but everyone got bottles of water and put it on the fire. Then the captain span the boat so it would lean sideways,

Day 48. Last day before we arrive in New Zealand. Everyone packed up their things today, and just sat down waiting for the day to end. I invited my cabin mates in to stay the day in our cabin. I didn’t tell anyone this. But I brung some snakes and ladder. They enjoyed it, but you probably don’t care. You’re only reading a boring letter that the captain told us to write. But. this is the final hours before we go to sleep. So, I will be in New Zealand tomorrow.

Hope you found this interesting.
Cheers Mike