Mao Zedong Written by Anne Faulkner
From Farmer's Son To Communist Leader
1. The title fits the book well because the book is about a communist leader named Mao Zedong
2. I like that it is about stuff that I am interested in, learning about how he became a communist leader and what he does.
3. The major theme in this book is communism
4. The author is trying to tell us about a man named Mao Zedong, and trying to teach us about the world of a communist leader
5. So far, I haven't read that much into the book, the, in my opinion, the most important part is teaching the audience the skills you need to become a leader, and saying that back in the day when Mao was alive, he would have to leave his family for months, sometimes, never come back to visit his family.
6. I think the audience is intended for mature audiences. People that are interested in the history of communist leaders.
7. My favorite character is Mao Zedong because he is the main focus of the book because it is a biography of him. I do not have a least favorite character.
8. New words that I learned - Communist Manifesto (Principles of communism) - Proletariat - Term for the working classes
9. There is no connection between the book and myself, because I do not want to be a communist leader, and I have not been through anything that he went through. Like working on a farm, leader of the peasant or the leader of the Chinese communist party.