Thursday 11 August 2016

Shantytown Visit

On Wednesday 10th Blaketown school went to Shantytown. When we left on the bus everyone was happy because the principal took his car, if he was we would all have to be silent! When we arrived we all had to line up in classes, then we all silently walked into Shantytown. We walked into this large room to put our bags away, then walked down the the end room. We had a look at some toys and what years they were made in. Then we went out to morning, everyone just walked around and had something to eat. We went back in and learnt what they were made out of, why people made them and what type of toys rich and poor people had back in the 1800’s. Then when got split up into 4 groups, we played games such as, Throw the horse shoe , Hit the hoop, Stilts and dominoes. When lunch came along people were playing with the stuff we had played with before and some people were watching a weka. After lunch we played some more games like, a alphabet challenge, golden nugget finding, Marco polo, and musical chairs. Then after lunch we went into the room and all sat down quickly and silently for Mrs Barber. We had to decide in groups what toys they played with at different years for both girls and boys, then someone said the goodbye and we all had a loud ride back.

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