Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Safe Cycling

Safe Cycling

On Tuesday Room 2 learnt about safe cycling. Firstly, we learnt about why it’s important to put up the right hand signals and why it’s good to have a good bike. He told us stories about people's bikes not working and people driving on the wrong side of the road. He showed us how to do the ‘M’ check so that our bike can run smooth without our wheels falling off or our chain getting rusty.
After morning tea all of us went outside and biked around. Firstly we all did the ‘M’ check to see if our bike was good, then we did the slow race.

Firstly the boys went up again the line at the fence and we biked, trying to go the slowest we could so we could win, but unfortunately only three people survived. Then the girls did the slow race, and only two people survived from it, so in the finals it was three boys vs two girls. They all went extremely close but everyone stopped before the finish line except one boy, Patrick was the one who won the slow race. Then we did other activities that would teach us to look back before and after you turn a corner. Also how long you hold up a hand signal for.

Lastly we went out onto the road where we would take everything we learnt and try to use them. We lined up then started to bike. Firstly we went to the first corner where there was someone marking us, then we had to look behind us then pull out a right hand signal. Then we had to go around the corners doing the right hand signal. Then we went back to school and the teachers/parents said what we didn’t do and what do we did correctly.

Walt: learn how to ride a bike the correct way and what arm signals to put out.

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